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Sunday, July 25, 2010

Dear Laptop

Dear Laptop,
I'm sorry that you were stolen from my car last night.
I guess I can only be so upset considering I'm the one who left you in there.
I never leave you in the car like that but quite frankly I was too lazy to go get you out.
I called the cops and they are doing everything they can to find you. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you but I'm not going to hold my breath.
But you can't be mad at me laptop because some days you were lazy too. I mean you were sooo slow sometimes. You had no reason to be. I kept you very clean. You should have listened to me when I told you to hurry up. Regardless though, I do apologize for slamming you shut that one day. That was my bad.
I wanted  to say though that if we are not reunited I will miss you a great deal, even if you did act immature at times and wouldn't connect to the internet. You helped me get through so much school and boredem.. sometimes at the same time. Thank you for always helping me with research. We racked up some serious browsing time together didn't we?
Thank you for keeping all my pictures organized and stored for me. Keep them safe. At least you have pictures to remember me by. Thank you for being there with me on lonely days, and rainy days, and sad days. Thank you for all the music sessions we jammed to. Thank you for showing me all those awesome Youtube videos like Charlie and Harry and Kandee Johnson. Thank you those few but special days we blogged together. I will never forget you Laptop. Think of this experience as a "Live & Learn" lesson for the both of us.
Thankfully we did set several passwords...stay strong my friend.

Sincerely Your Owner,

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